Suzanne Barakat

Suzanne Barakat Profile Photo

Executive Director and Family Physician

Suzanne Barakat, MD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where she serves as the Executive Director of the Health and Human Rights Initiative. She completed her residency in Family & Community Medicine at UCSF. Previously, Dr. Barakat contributed to a first-of-its-kind mood screener and mental health assessment of Arabic-speaking communities worldwide, and worked at makeshift polyclinics and state hospitals serving thousands of refugees along the Turkish-Syrian border. She also serves as Board Chair for Our Three Winners Foundation. She has been outspoken about the role of advocacy and allyship in countering the rising tide of Islamophobia, and has given a TED talk on the subject. She is passionate about women’s health, global health, and social justice.

Aug. 8, 2023

25 I Refugee Series—The Human Faces of Refugee Trauma: Dr. Barakat Shares Stories of Survival

This episode features Dr. Suzanne Barakat, a family physician and executive director of the Health and Human Rights Initiative at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Barakat shares her experiences and expertise i...